Expressing Sexuality While Disabled

Disability can be physical, mental and emotional. However, it's the physical aspect of being disabled that many people think of when they hear or learn that someone is partially or completely immobilized. Intellectual disability is another form of disability that can affect the whole person, not just the body. Each disability form impacts not only the disabled person's sexual life; it impacts the sexual experiences of the disabled person's partner.

Get past mental blocks to start expressing sexuality while disabled

Let enough misperceptions crop up about sexuality and a disability and seemingly impenetrable communication walls could build between disabled people and their partners. Other challenges that can crop up are:  
  • Attraction to a disabled person due to the belief that, solely because the person has a disability, she would never want to exit the relationship or desire someone else
  • Deliberate attempts to avoid disabled persons out of the belief that it's impossible to enjoy a healthy emotional, psychological and sexual relationship with people who have disabilities
  • Guilt feelings or depression that are directly linked to surmising that the non-disabled partner is responsible for taking care of the disabled partner

Support with expressing sexuality while disabled

Sexuality education can help to remove communication blocks and misperceptions. To be truly effective, both partners in the relationship should pursue sexuality education that focuses on expressing sexuality while disabled. It may seem surprising, but, even disabled persons can develop misperceptions and erroneous beliefs about having sex.

Other ways that disabled persons could gain more support while expressing sexuality include:  
  • Enlarge their social circle
  • Communicate their physical, emotional or psychological challenges or limitations with their partner
  • Bring physically supportive sexual products like Intimate Rider sexual positioning equipment into the bedroom
  • Incorporate supportive sexual products that make it possible for people who are partially or fully immobilized to not only express themselves sexually but heighten the passion and erotic tension in their relationship by making it easier for people with disabilities to enjoy more sexual positions
  • Protecting themselves and their partners from sexually transmitted diseases
  • Understanding their sexuality rights and creating clear boundaries that encourage partners to respect those rights and boundaries
  • Allowing themselves time to really get to know people they are interested in deepening a relationship with. This single step can save people, disabled and non-disabled, regret and emotional pain. Open communication and trust offer feelings of safety. It's when feeling safe that people can allow themselves to enjoy expressing sexuality while disabled.
  • Practicing awareness to get to know themselves better. By practicing awareness, disabled persons can develop an improved body or psychological image
  • Taking responsibility for expressing their sexuality in healthy ways, including incorporating reliable sexual products, including liberator seat cushions, support straps and romance sets into their lives